Entertaining Angels Unawares?

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. ~Hebrews 13:2

We were visited a week or so ago by the small furry guest pictured here. This very sweet, loving kitten purred loudly and insisted on being held by anyone who came by the office.

Karen J. from our Pet Food Pantry came and organized a litter box for him, along with food and water. After he had a bite to eat and a chance to visit the litter pan he was taken to the vet’s where he was scanned, and his chip let us know who his owners are and where he lives along Main Street. He was soon delivered back into the loving arms of his owner. Thanks to Bill R., who found the kitten and tended to him for a time, to Cathy, who watched him until Karen could come, and to Karen and our awesome Pet Food Pantry!

Sharing Christ’s love in the world…

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